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Downriver Community Photo Contest!

Have you taken a picture of a scene that captures the essence of what makes the Downriver community a great place to live?

Submit your photograph to the Seasonal Downriver Community Photo Contest for a chance to win cash prizes.  All submissions will be entered into our 2023 Downriver Community Calendar Contest and may even be used in various Downriver CU communications (i.e. website, social media sites, press release, lobby displays, etc.).

SEASONAL CONTEST PRIZE:  $50.00, featured on Downriver CU Social Media, and entry into the Annual Downriver Community Calendar Contest with a chance to win cash prizes up to $300! See the list below for submission deadlines:

  • Winter Photo Contest - December 21, 2022 to March 19, 2023
  • Spring Photo Contest - March 20 to June 20, 2023
  • Summer Photo Contest - June 21 to September 22, 2023
  • Fall Photo Contest - September 23 to December 20, 2023 (Since our deadline for the 2024 Annual Calendar is October 13, 2023, all entries received after this date will be automatically entered into the following year's contest)


  • 1st Place:  $300.00
  • 2nd Place:  $200.00
  • 3rd Place:  $100.00
  • Runners-Up (photos not in the top 3, but have been accepted for use in the calendar or other marketing materials):  $25.00

Downriver Community Photo SearchPhotos submitted can be of...

  • Landmarks from any of the 18 Downriver cities and townships that are served by Downriver CU.
  • Cityscapes, structures, or buildings
  • Landscapes and nature
  • Seasonal scenes (Winter, Spring, Summer, or Autumn)
  • City "Welcome" Signs (to be used in a collage with pictures of other Downriver city welcome signs).
  • Other unique Downriver scenes

Photographs should be "Distinctly Downriver" other words, anyone familiar with the Downriver community should recognize the landmarks, scenes, or features of the picture as being from the Downriver area

Important Notice:  We usually get a lot of "riverfront" pictures, so to stand out and have a higher chance of being included, look for pictures all over the Downriver area, including the 18 different cities that we do business.

Photo requirements:  Photos should be submitted in a digital format (using the link below) and should be no smaller than 1200 x 933 (300 px/inch). Limit of 1 entry per person per season (winter, spring, summer, autumn)--with a total of 4 entries submitted.



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